

Page history last edited by andrealangelaar@... 16 years, 2 months ago

What is a change agent?  Most definitions relate the term to the business profession. Here is an example:


"Change Agent: An individual recruited prior to implementation of a change; must be representative of the user population, understand the reasoning behind the change, and help to communicate the excitement, possibilities, and details of the change to others within the organization" (Rockley, Koster & Manning, 2003, glossary).


With this definition in mind, let's think about what motivates teachers to become Change Agents.


Check out this TeacherTube Video which is widely used to motivate professionals to become change agents within a community. 


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"Question for Consideration"


What impression does this video give you about the role of a teacher as a change agent?


Post your response by typing in the "add a comment" box below and then click on "add comment".


After you have posted your comment and explored your classmates comments, click here for the next learning activity. 



Comments (9)

Beth said

at 10:12 am on Nov 5, 2008

This suggests that there is strength in creating and maitaining a collective purpose. That we have a role in ensuring that we support each other and contribute to the overall success of the group, and through this we will also meet our own needs for fulfillment and accomplishement. Also that it is far more difficult to achieve success from a singular focus and our greatest capacity for change comes out of collaborating with others.

Arlis Folkerts said

at 11:43 am on Nov 5, 2008

I appreciated the metaphor of geese flying in formation and the lessons we can apply to collaboratively supporting and working together. The lesson, "People who share a sense of community help each other get where they are going more easily because they are travelling on the trust of one another" really speaks to individual impowerment, but also looking toward the greater community for group empowerment. Margaret Wheatly in her research talks about the importance of relationships and how they are foundational to all that we do. The teacher as a change agent impacts the students s/he interacts with, and also the layers of interactions with other staff, administration, trustees and the community.

As a change agent, devoting time to the nurturing and development of relationships is a lesson we can apply to life in school and outside of school.

lmbell said

at 7:30 pm on Nov 5, 2008

A thought that resonated with me while watching this clip as the role that the principal plays in developing the teacher as a change agent. Strong leadership in curriculum and instruction creates the environment where teachers will stay in formation with a clear direction of where we want to go. The principal's willingness and ability to develop and share leadership with his/her teachers creates an atmosphere of sharing and respect amongst staff. Positive, supportive leadership at the school level provides the needed encouragement for teachers to feel empowered and willing to accept change at the classroom level.

jproske@... said

at 11:44 pm on Nov 5, 2008

Your comment about the important role which a strong leader plays in creating this environment is a very valid observation. Positive, supportive leadership at the school level can make all the difference when it comes to teachers taking the initiative to involve themselves in the process of change.


andrealangelaar@... said

at 10:30 am on Nov 6, 2008

I agree that strong leadership is central to the development of a community of teachers working toward the same goal. That being said, it also takes teachers being on board, willing to learn and change and also willing to be change agents! I am looking forward to your ideas on how what a change agent is and should be in the next comments sections and discussions.

Ken Hoekstra said

at 8:33 pm on Nov 6, 2008

The teacher and teacher groups are integral to change. Whether you are the leader or one of the flock following, your support of the change is necessary for it to be successful. When teachers don't support a change, or worse, sabotage it, there is little chance for success and implementation of the change. Just look at the 1996 change in Math curriculum in Alberta. Many experts suggest our 'new' program being implemented now is simply a watered down version of what teachers should have been teaching with the 96 curriculum, but the 96 version did not get the support or the 'buy in' by teachers and so it was not successful. I also like the message in the video that leaders need to change up and take turns leading. One person cannot and should not do it all.

May said

at 8:54 pm on Nov 6, 2008

It's all about working together. We cannot sit back and expect or allow others to carry the load or always be the leader. It takes cooperation from all members to work as a cohesive group to truly be successful. Each of us has different strengths to offer to bring in a variety of aspects we excel in. It is the whole package that makes it work. Together we stand, divided we fall. Or in the case with the geese, if you are going down, you take a buddy with you to help you safely along the way. Who would have though that geese were so clever? We need to step up to facilitate change.

eprevost@... said

at 9:09 pm on Nov 6, 2008

I would like to echo what May and Ken have said in that one of the things I love about this metaphor is that the geese take turns leading. When it is always one or two people taking on the leadership roles, those folks quickly become exhausted and lose their desire to lead. When each of us recognizes that we have a leadership role to play, it works better for the team. I am very fortunate to be working with a staff where many individuals fly to the front at different times, depending on their energy, their interests and their expertise.

Sylvia Malo said

at 6:59 am on Nov 7, 2008

I too have been lucky enough to be involved in organizations and schools where people were encouraged to take lead roles in their areas of strength. I would also like to echo the comments towards the necessity of strong leadership, team encouragement and support. Analogies like this video clip accurately illustrate the nature of supporting leadership and change for teachers.

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